Maryland Native plants for summer: Eryngium yuccifolium – rattlesnake master

Maryland Native Plants for Summer
Eryngium yuccifolium – rattlesnake master
Eryngium yuccifolium is a Maryland native plant that is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Prefers dryish, sandy soils. Self-seeds in optimum growing conditions. Plants tend to open up and sprawl if grown in overly fertile soils or in anything less than full sun. This is a tap-rooted plant which transplants poorly and is best left undisturbed once established. Eryngium yuccifolium is commonly called rattlesnake-master or button snake-root, occurs in rocky woods, prairies and glades.
Most members of the parsley/carrot family (Apiaceae) have finely cut foliage and flowers in domed umbels. Not so with with this plant which features basal rosettes of parallel-veined, bristly-edged, sword-shaped, medium green leaves (to 3′ long) resembling those of yucca (lily family) and tiny, stemless, greenish-white flowers tightly packed into globular, 1″ diameter heads resembling thistles. Flower heads appear in branched clusters at the top of smooth stiff stems typically rising to 3-4 feet tall from the centers of the rosettes. The blooms are attractive to butterflies and other insect pollinators.
Rattlesnake master foliage in the fall
Rattlesnake master foliage in summer
Rattlesnake master in bloom