Why Should I Be Interested in a Rain Garden?
- Rain gardens are beautiful.
- Rain gardens offer food and habitat for local animals and insects.
- They improve the quality of water in our rivers and The Chesapeake Bay.
- In an effort to improve water quality the Howard County government will reimburse up to 1/2 the cost of a rain garden installation and offer you a discount on your yearly stormwater management fees.
Yes- that’s right- rain gardens are gorgeous, ecologically beneficial and are deeply discounted for Howard County citizens. Lauren will walk you through the whole process from site assessment to rain garden location, planting and help in receiving the reimbursement, which is up to 50% of the cost of installation of the rain garden AND a 20% discount on your yearly stormwater tax fee. Condos and townhouses- your rain garden has to be designed to collect a minimum of 15 cubic feet of water, treating 250 sq ft of impervious surface in a 1 inch storm. A rain garden of this size usually costs $540 with a $270 reimbursement. Houses on 1/4 acre (or less) lots-your rain garden has to be designed to collect a minimum of 30 cubic feet of water, treating 500 sq ft of impervious surface in a 1 inch storm. A rain garden of this size usually costs around $1080, with a $540 reimbursement. Houses on more than 1/4 acre- your rain garden needs to be a minimum of 60 cubic feet, treating 1000sq ft of impervious surface. A rain garden this size typically starts at approximately $2160, with a maximum of $1200 reimbursement. Your gutter or patio or driveway (your impervious surface) needs to noticeably drain into the rain garden to qualify for reimbursement. If you are interested in having your rain garden installed professionally give us a call! We will determine all of your needs and give you a free estimate! What is a Rain Garden? Rain gardens are garden beds that are designed to collect water when it rains. The purpose is to reduce the amount of storm water that runs off of your property into the wastewater sewer system or the local rivers and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. Rain gardens are designed and built in order to allow water to percolate into the ground within 24 hours, inhibiting mosquitos from hatching. We use a lot of native plants in our rain gardens because they are beautiful and are ecologically friendly, providing food for animals and insects.
There is a lot of planning that goes in to locating, designing and building a rain garden. Just complete the form on this page and we will give you, completely free, our rain garden informational package.

Example of an established rain garden