Shade Pollinator Plants

Mar 14, 2020 | Blog

There is a lot of buzz around planting native plants to support pollinators these days. I hear many people say they know of the sunny plants for pollinators, but what about shade? Also, many pollinator plants cover the summer season but what about pollinator needs for other seasons? Many of the shade pollinator plants bloom in spring before the trees leaf out. There are some other important pollinators for fall like Solidagos (Goldenrod), Asters, Vernonias (Ironweed) and Hamamelis (Witch hazel) to name a few but we’re going to focus on shade lovers. I went over lists of my favorite pollinator plants for shade based on native to this region, ease of use in a residential landscape/garden setting and availability in local commerce. Here is chart for my favorite native shade pollinators plants for the Maryland Piedmont region!

Maryland Piedmont Native Shade Pollinator Plants


Consider supporting your pollinators by planting plants they love for every season. Join Bee City USA, Howard County Bee City, check out the Xerces Society, hire a landscaper that has undergone the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional training (a bee friendly landscaper) and share the news about protecting pollinators with your friends. Howard County’s Bee City Board has a subcommittee tasked with creating a list of the best pollinator plants for Howard County. Check this spring to get your hands on the list!

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